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Wednesday 19 February 2014

Foods to Prevent / Avoid Heart Attack

Foods to Prevent / Avoid Heart Attack

With heart disease the number one killer of both men and women in this country, you would think a cure that could dramatically reduce these deaths would be big news. And yet the most effective remedy is so simple that most people can't seem to believe it works. "In traditional societies, where people don't eat processed foods, heart disease is rare," says cardiologist Arthur Agatston, MD, author of The South Beach Wake-Up Call. "If you start with a healthy diet in childhood, heart attacks are almost completely preventable."

List of fruits to prevent Heart Attacks.

  1. Fresh Fruits
  2. Fresh Vegetables
  3. Lean Chicken
  4. Lean Turkey
  5. Tuna
  6. Salmon
  7. Orange Juice
  8. Skim Milk
  9. Red Wine
  10. Drinking More Plain Water

Foods With Trans Fat to Prevent / Avoid Heart Attack

Trans fat is unhealthy and should be avoided by all age groups for optimal health and to prevent heart attacks. Trans fat not only increases LDL or "bad" cholesterol, it decreases HDL or "good cholesterol." This combination increases your risk of heart disease and a heart attack. Foods that are highly concentrated sources of trans fat include shortening, butter, margarine, cake mixes and many frozen foods. Many fast food meats and french fries are cooked in partially hydrogenated oil, which contains trans fat, as well.
Skim Milk to Prevent / Avoid Heart Attack.
Skim milk is yet another food that prevents a heart attack. Since, it is low in fat and very high in nutrients, skim milk helps in keeping the heart going proper ply and in a healthy way. Skim milk also provides a proper fluid balance that prevents the strain on the heart.

Eat plenty of whole grains such as cereal, rice and pasta, preferably six servings a day.

Avoid red meat, shortening, margarine and commercially processed foods. Red meats contain saturated fats. Shortening, margarine and commercially processed foods are rich in trans-fatty acids. Saturated fats and trans-fatty acids are found to be the major cause of heart disease. Get your protein from fish or from vegetable products such as soy. Fish contains unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids that reduce blood cholesterol.
Eat plenty of magnesium rich foods such as tofu, wheat germ, broccoli, potatoes, spinach and chard to help regulate heart activity.
Garlic lowers cholesterol and triglycerides, prevents thrombus formation and lowers blood pressure. Eat three fresh cloves daily. You can add it to your salad.

If you are having blood disorder or platelets disorder or if you are pregnant or feeding breast please have a advice before using garlic.

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